Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Harry and other Potters

As most everybody who has been anywhere near any sort of electronic or (gasp) print information device (ie: tv, internet, newspaper, etc.) this month is full of all things Harry Potter. With the release of the 7th and final (or according to J.K. Rowling, perhaps not "only time will tell") novel in the Harry Potter saga and the well timed release of the 5th movie, there has been an inundation of information on the boy wizard. Below is one of the best Potter spoofs I've seen in recent days... ;)

Full disclosure: I have indeed already seen the 5th IMAX 3D glory, and have my copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows coming via on Saturday... :)

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As we are expecting the birth of our first child, and everybody else seems to have a blog these days, we figured that it was about time that we got one too!